Modernization of the Kyzylorda of an electric grid distribution system

From November 18, 2014, after signing the loan agreement with the EBRD in London, a project was launched to modernize the power grids of the Kyzylorda region together with the EBRD. The total amount of the loan agreement is 5.7 billion KZT.

The implementation of this project will improve the voltage mode in the networks, increase the capacity of the lines, and reduce energy losses. Operating costs will be reduced by 80%, and the life of electric lines will increase to 40 years. Thus, the task of attracting investments for the development of the Kyzylorda electric grid distributive system to ensure uninterrupted power supply is being gradually solved.

Within the framework of the EBRD Technical Assistance Program, the selection of project consultants was held:

Since May 2016, 3 samples have been carried out for a total amount of US $ 4.6 million.

Planning and supporting corporate and institutional development plans for companies implementing specific investment programs, including preparing corporate development programs, assisting in creating and training the staff of the Project Implementation Group, developing key performance indicators systems and service contracts, assisting in managing and administering contracts are carried out by Corporate Solution (UK) with BDC Consulting.

For the implementation of control and supervision during the implementation of projects (quality control, construction supervision, control of work completion dates, personnel training), AF Mercado's consulting companies together with BDC Consulting are involved.