Desalination plant in Aktau city - Feasibility Study

The EBRD provided a USD 12 million loan to “Caspian Desalination Plant” LLP for the reconstruction and modernization of the desalination plant supplying fresh water to the city of Aktau in West Kazakhstan region, the country's only seaport on the Caspian Sea. The project was aimed to improve water supply services in Aktau by increasing the efficiency and production capacity of the plant, improving the quality of drinking water, introducing energy-saving technologies for water desalination and expanding the plant's services to a larger number of residents of the city and its surroundings. The Feasibility Study of the Project developed by COWI RU and BDC Consulting consultants, in particular, entailed replacing the outdated equipment of the desalination plant with modern technologies to ensure reliable and high-quality water supply. In addition, EBRD investments should help reform the sector and strengthen the sustainable development of the city of Aktau.

The elaborated feasibility study meant helping the plant to start operating as a commercial enterprise by implementing a balanced tariff reform, concluding a contract with the city for public services delivery and proper business planning, as well as improving energy efficiency through the introduction of modern technologies in the reverse osmosis process. For this purpose, it was proposed to install variable frequency drives and Pelton turbines on high pressure pumps.

As a result of the project implementation, consumers living in water-scarce areas in and around Aktau city will benefit from improved water supply. In addition, the project activities will increase the transparency of operating activities and improve the standards of business operations, environmental and social protection at the plant through the implementation of IFRS and Eco-Social Action Program, transferring the skills necessary to upgrade the company.