A modern wastewater treatment plant is planned to be built in the city of Taraz

The Taraz wastewater filtration fields, built in 1962, are in unsatisfactory condition. Their design capacity is 43 thousand cubic meters per day, while in fact about 70-80 thousand cubic meters of wastewater are received daily. To solve the problem, the development of a project for the launch of new treatment facilities has begun.

By now, a feasibility study for the project has already been prepared, and a positive conclusion from the state examination has been received.

The construction of the WWTP is planned to begin in 2025 and be completed in 2027.

In August 2024, BDC Consulting, as part of a consortium together with Hydrophil GmbH (Austria), won a tender for the provision of technical support for the project in terms of procurement, project management and technical supervision.